What is herbal therapy?
Chinese Herbal preparations use botanical, mineral and zoological substances which have undergone centuries of clinical evaluation. The first Materia Medica listed 365 contents (25-220 C.E.). Today, over 5,000 entries are listed. Although clinically, most practitioners work with 300-450 substances.
The Chinese medicine formula follows a hierarchy of therapeutics: Emperor Herbs, Minister, Assistants and Adjuncts & Harmonizers. The Emperor herbs are the principle drugs in the formula and aim at the basic cause and of an illness. Minister herbs assist the Emperor herbs effectiveness. Assistant herbs overcome some of the secondary symptoms. Adjuncts and Harmonizers assist the minister and assistant herbs to modify any harsh or toxic effects on the body. A formula can have two to more than fifteen herbs all directed and accounted for by the diagnosis. Herbs in a particular remedy are typically placed in a non-metallic cooking utensil along with a certain amount of water. This is boiled down to produce a decoction. The solid remains of the herbs are removed and the concentrated remaining liquid is taken orally.
The botanical, mineral and zoological substances used in Chinese Herbal Medicine have undergone centuries of clinical evaluation. Each Herbal formula follows a hierarchy of therapeutics: Emperor Herbs, Minister, Assistants and Adjuncts & Harmonizers. Emperor herbs tackle the basic cause of an illness. Minister herbs assist the effectiveness. Assistant herbs help overcome the secondary symptoms. Adjuncts and Harmonizers help correct any harsh effects on the body.