Why Should You Use Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture for Fertility?
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine are helpful in the months leading up to a fertility cycle, particularly the 3-month window prior to conception. Our approach is based on helping to re-balance the body’s system, enabling the body to perform its natural functions at its greatest potential.
Healthwise not only aims to improve the body's physical functions but to also address the expression of our emotions and it's the effect on our natural character. The emotional impact can similarly contribute to fertility problems; Stress from the difficulty of conceiving struggles of everyday life. Our clinic additionally introduces simple guided relaxation exercises to help improve our client holistically. These exercises can also help us change our responses towards the clatter & frantic nature of the world, and find our own peace, acceptance, and benevolence. Healthwise believes fertility is not only about considering the conception of a baby, but also the future environment (emotional and physical) the child will come to be in.
Healthwise is able to assist women considering undergoing Assisted Reproductive Techniques like IVF, FET, as well as couples who are looking to conceive naturally. Our clinic is dedicated to providing the best solution for clients by deriving a specialized approach that best suits the individual(s).
Supported Research
Research has shown Chinese Medicine to be effective in treating the following medical conditions in women to improve fertility:
- Endometriosis
- Ovulatory Dysfunction
. Hyperprolactemia
. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
. Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (LUFS)
. Luteal Phase Deficit
- Fallopian Tube Blockage
- Uterine Myoma (Fibroids< 5 cm )
- Hypothyroidism
- Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
- Unexplained Infertility
- Age Related Egg/Embryo Quality
In men the focus is on fortifying & strengthening their virility. Main conditions affecting sperm quality include:
- Low Testosterone [Male Androgen Deficiency]
- Infection
- Varicocele
- Autoimmunity
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Poor sperm quality
. Low Sperm Count
. Low Sperm Motility
. Poor Sperm Morphology
. Low Sperm Volume
. Poor Liquidification
. Blockage of Ejaculatory Ducts
Chinese Medicine uses herbal formulas to enhance fertility and address many underlying diseases. Acupuncture and other physical therapies are often used to improve blood flow dynamics to the reproductive areas.
(Many more conditions can be treated but are unlisted here. Please send us an inquiry for more information)
Learn more about how Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine & Herbs can help Fertility & Reproductive Health
Supported Research
Research has shown Chinese Medicine to be effective in treating the following medical conditions in women to improve fertility:
- Endometriosis
- Ovulatory Dysfunction
. Hyperprolactemia
. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
. Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome (LUFS)
. Luteal Phase Deficit
- Fallopian Tube Blockage
- Uterine Myoma (Fibroids< 5 cm )
- Hypothyroidism
- Recurrent Spontaneous Miscarriages
- Unexplained Infertility
- Age Related Egg/Embryo Quality
In men the focus is on fortifying & strengthening their virility. Main conditions affecting sperm quality include:
- Low Testosterone [Male Androgen Deficiency]
- Infection
- Varicocele
- Autoimmunity
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Poor sperm quality
. Low Sperm Count
. Low Sperm Motility
. Poor Sperm Morphology
. Low Sperm Volume
. Poor Liquidification
. Blockage of Ejaculatory Ducts
Chinese Medicine uses herbal formulas to enhance fertility and address many underlying diseases. Acupuncture and other physical therapies are often used to improve blood flow dynamics to the reproductive areas.
(Many more conditions can be treated but are unlisted here. Please send us an inquiry for more information)
Learn more about how Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine & Herbs can help Fertility & Reproductive Health